"A restless
quest to alter
the form and structure of song...The ideas are strong, as conventional
songs they
stand up anyway but the constant diversions and changes sustain the
listeners’ interest."
Cambridge Music Reviews, live
"Jittering drums, bass pulses, odd swoops, heavily
processed vocals, everything stopping and juddering in bizarre
whole set seems like a battle between his innate song-writing ability
and the flighty imagination that just wants to turn this knob, try this
effect, stutter edit."
Spirit of Gravity blog, live
"I’ve rarely seen someone take such care
in making the drama of their music fit the lyrics of each song, and it
works beautifully...this is as much about performance as it
is the music itself. Highly
Go Play Listen blog, live review
of the three songs takes the listener on a bewlidering bobsleigh ride,
populated by glitchy beats, weird processed vocals and continual twists
and turns...Exhilerating, but exhausting."
Sound On Sound review of Man Against Machine